Indonesia was the fourth-largest producer of coffee in the world in 2014. Coffee cultivation in Indonesia began in the late 1600s and early 1700s, in the early Dutch colonial period, and has played an important part in the growth of the country. Indonesia is geographically and climatologically well-suited for coffee plantations, near the equator and with numerous interior mountainous regions on its main islands, creating well-suited microclimates for the growth and production of coffee.
Arabica coffee is a type of coffee made from the beans of the Coffea arabica plant. The Coffea arabica, or arabica coffee plant does not like harsh climates; it likes humidity and can’t handle frost. It prefers temperatures between 15°C and 24°C (59°F and 75°F) and likes to be grown in the shade. Think: subtropical. It’s usually grown at elevations of around 1,900+ feet (600+ meters) above sea level. It likes to be grown on hillsides and matures at about 7 years of age.
If We compare betweenRobusta and Arabica, some facts arise. Arabica has less caffeine, contains more sugar, and also contains more lipids. Arabica flavor has higher acidity, and more pleasant flavor.
In terms of taste, Arabica coffee has many variations. The taste of the Arabica coffee can be soft, sweet, sharp, and also strong. Before roasting, aroma of this coffee is quite similar to blueberries. However, after roasting, the coffee will have a sweet fruit aroma. Generally, people tend to like the aroma of Arabica coffee when compared to Robusta.
As for the taste of Robusta coffee, it tends to have a neutral flavor variation. Before roasting, this coffee bean has a nutty aroma. Unfortunately, it’s very rare to find high-quality robusta in the market there.
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